Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

venae renales

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema venosum Short Extended
Level 3 vena cava inferior Short Extended
Current level venae renales
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
14334 4735 tax
venae renales
veines rénales
# vena renalis
# veine rénale
70984 3087 tax
venae intrarenales (par)
veines intrarénales (paire)
# vena intrarenalis
# veine intrarénale
272185 3088 tax
venae interlobares (par)
veines interlobaires (paire)
# vena interlobaris
# veine interlobaire
272193 3089 tax
venae arcuatae (par)
veines arquées (paire)
# vena arcuata
# veine arquée
271201 3090 tax
venae interlobulares (par) ; venae corticales radiatae (par)
veines interlobulaires (paire) ; veines corticales radiantes (paire)
# vena interlobularis ; vena corticalis radiata
# veine interlobulaire ; veine corticale radiante
272227 3091 tax
venulae rectae (par) ; vasa recta ascendentia (par)
veinules droites (paire) ; vaisseaux droits grimpants (paire)
3092 tax
venae stellatae (par)
veines stellaires (paire)
14692 tax
anastomoses interarcuatae (par)
anastomoses interarquées (paire)
14693 tax
vena renalis sinistra
veine rénale gauche
14349 4737 tax
vena suprarenalis sinistra
veine suprarénale gauche
14347 4738 tax
vena ovarica sinistra ♀
veine ovarienne gauche ♀
4739 tax
vena testicularis sinistra ♂
veine testiculaire gauche ♂
329181 14695 tax
plexus pampiniformis sinister ♂
plexus pampiniforme gauche ♂
14694 tax
vena renalis dextra
veine rénale droite
19 lines
57.9 %
57.9 %
26 partial items
7 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Following TA2, synonyms become official terms; the interlobular veins end in the arcuate veins.
The vasa recta include descending (arterial) and ascending (venous) types. In TA98, the term venulae rectae is used.
The stellate veins drain the superficial zone of renal cortex.
Further subdivision of renal vessels has been included.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4735
Number of children 6 (validated)
Number of units 7 (validated)
Signature 18988 (validated since 21.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025